Monday, 29 September 2014

ZahrahRashid | Back.

Assalamualaikum and hi,

I know, it's been a loooongggg time that I haven't update or write anything in my blog. I know too there's no reader of my writing here. But, It is a fun thing to do to just type and type what'd crossed my mind. Right now, I am sitting here in my room in front of my brother's laptop with the background sounds of Adam's snores. Alhamdulillah for these nikmat dear Allah. There are too many stories happened between those months that I did not update at all. But I do remember everything of it although it is much more better if I forget it. Well, we can't delete our memory as easy as press the backspace button. So yeah, that's what we called up and down of life.

My relationship? Ohhh goshhh! What's so important to you? Okay, my relationship with Allah, stills need to be tougher, stronger and touch up here and there as every human beings make mistakes. So do I. I've done a lot of mistakes and always seek Allah's forgiveness. May Allah guide me always to the right path. Aamiin. Relationship with my family especially my parents and brothers, Alhamdulillah getting better and closer day by day. I love you all so much! Relationship with my fiance, also getting better, Alhamdulillah. I am sorry if I cry in a sudden without any reason dear fiance. I don't know why either, its just flowed out. 

Friendship huh? Well, I miss my school gangs, my best buddies during my school time. This is the reality. The reality is we are at different places to gather like we always did at school. The only way to gather is just in social networks like Whatsapp and group in Facebook. It is a joyful thing to hear one by one of my friends are getting married. Yeah, I'm quite jealous of it but hey! at least I still have time to spend with my families and friends! Hafiz? Yeahhh, he still at the top list of my best friend I have ever had. Ohhh, now I have one more who tried to compete Hafiz place, Syera! Ha Ha. I love you both :)

Nikita Royce (my car)
He is handsome like usual. High maintenance but fast. I can reach Unisel for 40 minutes from Sekinchan! A lot of memories we've created together. We've been to a lot of scenery places. Please be healthy, always!

It is my final year, finally. So much fun and sorrow I have been through and still making the memories! The King Lear theater directed by Kautham will always remains in my memory as it is not going smooth like I imagine it to be. Thank Allah, we've made it success. Ohhh ya, hostel are now open for students, but I prefer not to stay at hostel though it might be my last experience to stay at hostel before I turn to adult world. I  enjoyed travelling Sekinchan to Unisel and Unisel to Sekinchan everyday. :) 

Alhamdulillah for this, we are gaining experiences where others might don't see what we are doing. Hopefully we will make it success and get the brand well-known in Malaysia and international! Nothing is impossible. Believe in Allah, He is the greatest planner. To know more about us, just follow our instagram, @lambatouch and @lambateamofficial.

*follow my instagram too! @imazara93 :)


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